Cover4Insurance Essentials Insurance Logo

Your Address

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Room Contents

Please Note: This is a compulsory cover - please select a sum insured.

  • Personal Possessions Within The Insured Address (includes desktop computer equipment)

    Please note: This is a compulsory cover – please select a sum insured; the minimum is £2,000.
    Important: Cover in this section excludes Mobile Phones, Laptop & Portable Computers, Pedal Cycles, Musical Instruments & Photographic Equipment. Optional extensions are available for these items below.
    Premium: £0.00

Optional Extensions

Please note: There is no cover for the items listed below under the Personal Possessions section, so if you require cover for these items they must be selected below.

  • I-Pads, Laptops & Portable Computer Equipment | Cover Anywhere Within The United Kingdom (Plus Up To 60 Days Worldwide)

    Premium: £0.00
  • Mobile Phones | Cover Anywhere Within United Kingdom (Plus Up To 60 days Worldwide)

    Please note: The mobile phone must have been purchased within the United Kingdom or your Home Country and been used with a UK SIM card.
    Premium: £0.00
  • Accidental Damage

    Sum Insured: Item Limits Apply
    Premium: £0.00
  • Accidental Damage To Landlords Property | Tenants Liability

    Sum Insured:£10,000
    Premium: £0.00
  • Personal Accident & Criminal Assault

    Premium: £0.00
  • Legal Expenses

    Sum Insured:£50,000
    Premium: £0.00
  • Pedal Cycle | Cover Anywhere Within The United Kingdom (Plus Up To 60 Days Within Europe)

    Premium: £0.00
  • Excess Protection Cover

    Premium: £0.00
  • Photographic Equipment | Cover Anywhere Within The United Kingdom (Plus Up To 60 Days Worldwide)

    Premium: £0.00
Total Premium
Policy Fee
In addition to the premium charged by Insurers we also apply a policy fee to cover our costs for arrangingyour policy.
Total Amount Payable

Automatic Covers

Policy Benefit: Landlords Property | Tenants Liability
Sum Insured: £5,000
Covers the amount you become legally liable to pay as damages under a formal tenancy agreement, following loss or damage to your landlords household goods, furniture and furnishings within the insured address, following damage by fire, storm, flood , theft, escape of water and other similar causes.

It also provides cover for accidental damage to your landlords fixed glass, sanitary ware and ceramic hobs in fixed kitchen appliances, as well as accidental damage to drains, pipes, cables and underground tanks providing services to and from the insured address.
Policy Benefit: Liability for Rented Household Goods
Sum Insured: Item Limits Apply

For amounts that you become legal liable to pay following loss or damage cause by fire, flood, storm, theft, escape of water and other similar causes to household goods (other than telephones) rented under the terms of a formal rental agreement while in the insured address.

IMPORTANT: Item limits apply.
Item limits are determined by the possessions sum insured ie:
  • £2,000 sum insured = single item limit £500
  • £4,000 sum insured = single item limit £750
  • £6,000 sum insured = single item limit £1,000
  • £8,000 sum insured = single item limit £2,000
  • £10,000 sum insured = single item limit £2,500
  • £12,000 sum insured = single item limit £3,000
  • £14,000 sum insured = single item limit £3,500
Policy Benefit: Replacement Locks and Keys
Sum Insured: £500
Covers the cost of replacing keys and locks to an external door at the insured address following damage resulting from theft.
Policy Benefit: Credit Cards
Sum Insured: £500
Loss resulting from a credit card being stolen from the insured address following forcible and violent entry and then used fraudulently.
Policy Benefit: Personal Money
Sum Insured: £50
Theft of money from the insured address following forcible and violent entry.
Policy Benefit: Legal Liability
Sum Insured: £1,000,000
For amounts you become legally liable to pay in respect of accidental bodily injury and damage to property.
Policy Benefit: Personal Accident
Sum Insured: £10,000
This section provides a specified monetary benefit up to a maximum of £10,000 if you sustain injuries resulting from an accident within the United Kingdom which directly results in your death or disablement within 12 months of the accident.